Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Friday, December 15, 2006

What to do when you can't call prospects

In a recent post I talked about how 'time shifting' could have an impact on your marketing decisions. Today I read this case study from Marketing Sherpa that specifically mentions time shifting as the reason for creating podcasts.

[A podcast is and audio recording/presentation designed to be downloaded and listened to at a later time. Derived from: Pod, as in iPod; cast, as in broadcast.]

The company featured in the case study found that key influencers for the purchase of their software were consultants who travelled or were out of the office more than they were in it. So traditional marketing, sales messages, and phone calls were not suitable to reach them and get the message understood.

In the case study article, Steve Andrews, IFS Marketing Director says:
We started thinking about the life of these influencers. We realized we have to let them be able to time-shift our messaging so they can listen to us on their terms, not on our terms and timing.
The future is here. Don't miss your opportunities to impact prospects. Avoid using 'old' tactics that don't suit the lifestyle of your prospects today.

= = = =

(Note: the case study article mentioned above is available from Marketing Sherpa for free until Dec 24)


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