Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The human touch is often preferred.

It can be easy to think that everything has to be online these days to be successful. I know I often push the virtues of online marketing tactics (websites, email, newsletters, blogs etc). But not everyone prefers online information.

A recent study by Targetbase of 300 people (online shoppers) reported at BtoB Online, shows that when it comes to sources of ideas for giving gifts, window shoping (46%) and the 'traditional' catalogue (45%) rank the highest. Other results:
* Websites 32%
* Online advertisements 15%
* Emails 14%

And... 67% said they would simply ask the recipient what they wanted. How simple is that!

So don't assume that traditional marketing is dead. It isn't.

It is a matter of finding the right tactics, for the right situation, to get your message to the right audience.


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