Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Do you have this website problem?

Lately I've spoken to a number of people about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for their web sites. In fact, this seems to be becoming a more common problem. Business owners who don't understand how their web site should be structured to get the best results.

I know websites are pretty new stuff. And not everyone is familiar with them.

But really, as a business person I know it is my responsibility to:

A - learn about what I need to do, or
B - find someone who can do what I need (and pay them to do it)

If your website doesn't get any enquiries, or you can't find it when you do your own web searches, you need to make sure it is set up properly.

As one person said to me just today - "In hindsight I can see that at the start I just created a website, and added to it over time. Now I see that ad-hoc approach has created real problems for me."

Need help with your web site? Contact me, or visit Solutions Found where you can get help on various web-related matters.

If you want to do the hands-on SEO work yourself, I suggest you educate yourself by signing up to receive the newsletter from Jill Whalen at

If you want to achieve better results, don't just sit there... do something!


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