Launched today - The Corporate Blogging Book
I've just finished reading an advance copy of Debbie Weil's new book - The Corporate Blogging Book. From today you can buy it at Amazon and save 35% (only $15.57 USD) . If you are in a smaller business don't let the 'corporate' title turn you away. It is a book about how to use blogs to get better business results. I like the way Debbie takes a no-fuss and low-tech approach to explaining what many people think is just a geeky novelty. As Debbie says on page 147: "This book stands on the premise that blogging has not been overhyped. It's not a fad. It's a new communications tool - in fact a whole new arena of marketing - that every businessperson needs to become conversant with, if not fluent in."
For service providers a blog can be the best way to maintain current communications with clients and prospects. Check out The Corporate Blogging Book - you wont be disappointed.
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