Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

50% of business comes from networking claims 20% of women

Recent research from the UK says that 20% of women claim 50% of their business each year comes as a result of networking. That's astounding! What are you doing to improve your networking results?

In my last post one of the key points was to "get out more". Do you have a plan to get out to events where you can meet potential clients and referrers?

Don't waste your time on attending an event that is purely social - and kidding yourself that you will get decent business contacts from it. Be realistic. Step outside your comfort zone. You'll get much better results.

My top tips for networking:
  1. Find events where potential clients or referrers will gather - and where there is an opportunity to mingle with them.
  2. Be prepared with what to say about yourself and your business.
  3. Be prepared to ask insightful questions and listen to others.
  4. Follow up after the event. Send a 'thank you' email, preferably with some helpful information, or links to educational info on your web site.
  5. For ideal referrers, make sure you arrange a personal meeting to get a clear understanding of how you can help them, and also educate them on what you do.
  6. Make sure you remain in regular (yet appropriate) contact. Don't flood them with emails.
Go on... get out there and mingle.


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