Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Are you one of the 5% who 'do'

A new report from the UK states that only 5% of people who have a new business idea actually put it into action. 37% said they were held back by a lack of knowledge of how to start. How can you have a "lack of knowledge" these days? Maybe that should read a "lack of motivation"!

And Sean D'Souza says we should be reading at least 40 books a year to be as successful as we want. He says we need to be an information junkie. And I agree with him!

So the question is... are you in the 5% who actually do something? The 5% who are information junkies. The 5% who get the success they crave.

It's not always easy - as the other 95% of people will tell you.


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