Tips on Cold Calling and Handling Gatekeepers
Sometimes you just have to include an element of cold calling into your marketing program. This is especially the case if your business is new, or if you offer a specialised service that not many people know about, or if you are going into a new field where prospects may not know about your history.
Even though most people dont like to do cold calling there are a few tips to keep in mind to get the best results:
Even though most people dont like to do cold calling there are a few tips to keep in mind to get the best results:
- Don't smother your contact. Many callers jump right into their 'pitch'. That is a mistake. Take it a bit slower to let your prospect catch up with you.
- Remember that even if you can't speak to the decision-make there and then, use the contact to your advantage. See if you can find out a bit more about that business and their possible need for your service.
- Avoid the temptation to 'wing it'. Make sure you are prepared to discuss your offer with the decision maker if you get through. Many callers expect to get rejected and are caught off guard when they actually get through to the customer.
- In most companies the person answering the phone wants to help you (as the caller) and also assist their colleagues by screening unnecessary calls. You should help them do their job by providing information. Educate the gatekeeper on why your call is important, from their point of view. Don't exaggerate your claims to impress - your prospect will see through it.
- Always stay professional, as the memory of your call will linger with the gatekeper and prospect. Be friendly without being instrusive. Don't be too assertive (or pushy) as this will close down any chance for open communication.
At 6:34 PM,
JP said…
Great advice! Especially about the one where callers are so used to being put down that they are usually caught off guard when a call does get through. This is so true!
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