Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Marketing is a 'contact' game

How often do you rely on electronic communication with clients and referrers, instead of real personal contact? In a recent issue of Brazen Careerist by Penelope Trunk, she mentions that "the need to have regular human moments at work is similar to the need to stand up and stretch on the airplane; your well being depends on it".

Penelope also quotes research that highlights the importance of this face-to-face communication in developing well adjusted relationships. Although she is talking about what you do at work, the same applies when communicating with clients and prospects.

Too often I see professionals and business owners who 'hide' behind email, web sites, brochures, and direct mail. These marketing activities are used instead of personal contact. Why? Usually because the professional or business owner is scared of talking to their clients. They are scared of not knowing what to say. They are scared of being in a new situation.

Although this sounds childish - it is what people do.

Don't you make the same mistake. The solution is to create more human moments in your business dealings and you will reap the rewards of stronger relationships, more clients, and increased sales.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

TV declines, 80% of advertisers will use web more

The writing is on the wall. The internet is creeping into more lives, and reducing the influence of traditional advertising and marketing mediums. This article (based on 133 national advertisers) shows that executives know that the influence of TV advertising is declining.

Are you taking advantage of new marketing channels. Or are you being left at the station, using yesteryears marketing strategies?

Monday, March 13, 2006

Huge sum wasted on ignorance of market

It continues to amaze me how much money people will waste on their own inflated ideas - without looking at what the market will really support. This news report highlights how the new Australian business-class-only airline OzJet failed in 4 months - and lost $10 million in the process. How disgusting is that!

What went wrong...
1) They cut prices on a business class service (not a budget product). This is a major mistake (and so basic).
2) They didn't have a distinctive value to offer. Their only route was Sydney-Melbourne, an hour-long flight. Most people don't care if they rub knees and elbows for short flight like that - as long as they are saving money.
3) They were operating with old and inefficient planes. How can you try and beat larger, smarter, more modern competitors when your equipment is old?

This failure of OzJet will probably make an interesting marketing case study - showing clearly what NOT to do.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Sales Training Feedback

Monday this week I presented my Selling With Confidence course in Brisbane. Feedback was great - see below. But it was also hard work for the participants. I asked them to think about new techniques, and I challenged their way of seeing 'sales'. So it was reassuring to hear their feedback at the end.

"Great notes and workbook. Clear explanations. Has given me some excellent ideas and skills to utlise at my job. I have been wary of 'sales' in the past but now I am confident to 'make that sale'!"

"You have given me the tools to better understand the needs of my clients."

"It will help me achieve better sales and customer relationships."

The course is being offered in Sydney on Monday March 20 and next in Brisbane on Tuesday June 20. Book here.

47% of Internet Searchers Want Offline Contact

This news just in identifies that 47% of people who searched online during the 2005 holiday season (Dec/Jan) actually purchased offline - that means in store, over phone or other non-internet channel.

What does this mean for your service business? People crave personal contact. They want to feel comfortable with their decisions. They want to talk with you - and trust you. As a service business, you must make sure that your prospects can always contact you if they want to talk. Don't rely on the internet to do it all for you. The internet might be 24/7, but it is not 'you'.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What is 'Word of Mouth' these days?

Word of Mouth used to mean just getting your friends, clients and colleagues talking about your business. But not any more. The world has become more complex. And with 76% of people in the UK, and 92% in the USA citing word of mouth as the main factor or source of information in their purchase decisions, no business person can afford to ignore these changes.

Just the other day someone told me they wanted help with 'word of mouth' to promote their business. When I asked them what they meant by 'word of mouth' they didn't really know - but they had been told they needed it.

This article on Marketing Profs gives a great summary of the new style of word of mouth marketing. One of the key points made in the article is the need to connect with key influencers within your target audience. And there are some great tips on how to embrace this new "connected marketing".