Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

How to Connect With Your Audience

Over the last few days I've had a number of discussions with clients along the theme of recognizing who your clients are... and using the right tone of voice (language, terminology, jargon) to suit them.

That is, to make sure you get the right connection to be effective. You want them to listen, and then to act.

Remember, your objective in any marketing communication is to achieve some action.

In this helpful article titled The Write Tone of Voice copy writing expert John Pattison of UK based The Writing Agency makes similar comments. It really is worth taking a few minutes to read the article.

In summary:
  1. Understand the level of language used by your target audience.
  2. Try writing like you would talk to them.
  3. Being an expert doesn't mean you have to sound boring.
  4. Make people smile - but you don't have to be a full-blown comedian.
  5. Don't take it too far. Stay within the bounds of what your audience will accept from your type of business.

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