Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Lost in the Marketing Black Hole

I was working with a client this week. They have been busy. Busy. Too busy to make any progress on the new marketing initiatives we had agreed on at our last meeting. They were getting lost in the black hole of marketing. Where nothing happens, and you cant see out.

They needed to take action. To get focused on what they could do. Because their busy-ness was not going to diminish.

[See the 2-minute Marketing Plan Workshop in Sydney and Brisbane for how you can get out of the black hole of marketing.]

So we made a decision to get their office coordinator on the phone making some introductory calls (also known as cold calls). Part of this strategy requires my clients to work on preparing a few new marketing/promotional documents.

That is what they can focus on. Specific activities that are simple and have immediate impact.

You can do the same. Get focused on marketing activity that produces results.

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