Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sales spin and dinosaurs - both are old news!

I couldn't agree more... in her career advice blog Penelope Trunk says "Sales spin only works if you have a monopoly on the real information. In an era where information rules and everyone can get it whenever they want, there are scant opportunities to credibly slant the truth. Instead, you just have to put it out there and hope it works."

In my trust-based sales training course Selling With Confidence this is the approach I teach. The whole idea of 'making' somebody buy what you have to sell is long gone. With the dinosaurs.

These days, as a service provider, you need to have an information rich message to spread amongst your potential clients. They will decide what they like and will respond accordingly.

Not only does this mean you dont need the old-fashioned sales tricks... it also means that prospects are much better qualified when they actually do approach you. The sales process is already underway. How easy is that!

For help with getting your marketing to attract the right clients, maybe you need my Flying Start package. Available for clients anywhere.


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