Marketing Advisor Update

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Thursday, July 09, 2009

Survey Results: Work for less? Most say yes.

It's always interesting to keep abreast of trends and community view points. I thought this article from Human Capital Magazine was worth mentioning here...

The majority of job applicants to non-profit organisations are willing to take a significant pay cut - up to 30% - to secure jobs they see as ethical, according to a new survey. surveyed HR managers and executives 60 Australian non-profit organisations including charities, industry bodies and non-profit organisations.

Seventy-eight per cent of employers surveyed reported applications from people outside the not-profit-sector willing to work for less in an equivalent position.

Of those employers:

• 56% said applicants are willing to work for 10-20% less

• 19% said applicants are willing to work for 20-30% less

• 6% said applicants are willing to work for more than 30% less

"Many people want more than a paycheck and a parking spot - they want an 'ethical job' and non-profits seem to be the big winners," founder Michael Cebon said.

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