Marketing Advisor Update

Sales and marketing tips, insights and advice for service businesses amd companies selling complex or technical products.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Free Sales Improvement Guide for Companies that Sell Technical Products or Services

I have just relased my new 20-page sales improvement guide - for CEO's, HR Managers and Sales Managers.

Download The Assassin Analogy - the truth about why technical staff don't like to sell.

Others have said:

"The Assassin Analogy tackles the biggest challenge of consulting and technical professionals: why they see selling as a bad. In his usual practical and no-nonsense style, Stuart demonstrates why he is one of the leading global authorities on services marketing. This is a must read."

Edwin Trevor-Roberts, CEO, Trevor-Roberts Associates

"Stuart, I recently read your report ‘The Assassin Analogy’ and I must say, it felt like you had written it just for us! You have identified all the elements we struggle with as a service company when trying to encourage our technical staff to use their knowledge and ability to promote sales. But you’ve not left us with the problems, you’ve identified what we can do to overcome their inherent resistance to sales and having a clearly defined structure is very helpful.

This is essential reading for any service company looking to improve their sales ability and it provides great information for anyone attending a sales training program utilising the S.O.X. Methodology."

Steve Russell, Group Human Resources Manager, Siltech Pty Ltd

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