Martha Stewart website and the missing content
No need for me to repeat it... read it for yourself here. Even the people behind the Martha Stewart website admit that fancy design got in the way of usability for visitors to their site. The result was only 5 links appeared on the home page to useful content that visitors really wanted.
As David Armano (VP of Experience Design for Critical Mass) said in his post...
My guess is that if the gang at Martha Stewart followed this simple approach they would have found out what their customers/readers really wanted to see on the home page -- before it was designed.
As David Armano (VP of Experience Design for Critical Mass) said in his post...
Folks, we really need to start understanding what really motivates users. There are literally millions of enthusiasts out there producing quality content in highly search engine friendly formats. Not only is much of their content easier to find on the Web—it's engaging, relevant, and the people who produce it actually talk back to us. It's time to wake up.Understanding your clients... and what they want, is the second step to effective marketing. The first step is to clearly define who your audience is.
My guess is that if the gang at Martha Stewart followed this simple approach they would have found out what their customers/readers really wanted to see on the home page -- before it was designed.
Labels: website design
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